AEC Strikers – EPL Champions of CEKA 2022 Football Tournament in Dubai

AEC Strikers Team – EPL Champions
L-R: Faris 2013, Subair 97, Ameen 2006, Kader 2010, Jareesh 98, Rahoof 2006, Yousuf 2006, Aboo 2007, Musfar 2015, Dilshad 2006, Rishan 2011, Naseem 2013 & Nisar 2006
AEC Masters Team fought well and became the runners in Veterans Category
L-R: Jareesh, Anver , Zaheer, Siraj ,Shafan, Jabbar , Shebir and Subair


Thank You Note

Yousuf Ali Tharayil
Captain: AEC Classic Team
24 Engineering College Teams all over South India, played in Classic category and 5 teams played in Masters category. 

Our Team AEC Strikers was in Classic category. We reached Abu Dhabi, early morning. Took a bath and moved on. As a Team, we had well defined strategies and we were driven by the desire to win the cup back.

Starting from the GKs:
Both @Eng: Rahoof Elachola and Aboo was exceptionally remarkable guarding the goal post. Just conceived a goal. Brilliant saves at crucial times. Well done boys.

@Kadu Kader , @faris ,@Ameen 06 @Rishan Abdulrahiman
They build the wall again and marked each player individually. Our opponents couldn’t score in most of the games.

Subair ka too was in full form. He didn’t allow any one to pass through his side.

@Nasim Nihal did the pivotal job of marking the playmakers and he was 100% on the job which made opponents lost in the wild🥰.

@Jareesh Ka showed his tackling skills and we saw many sure attempts, one to one movements with our strikers and reached the target. It could have been at least 5 more goals in our account, but opponents were lucky enough😉.
@Nisar 06 as usual, did a fantastic role in front and converted the attempts to goals.
@Dilshad 06 was instrumental in giving ample support and started the goal scoring.
@Musfar KP came to the rescue of back up players, as and when required.

Except the Stopper back and Goal keeper, all of our players scored goals ✌️🕺🎯. 

And we, the AEC Strikers became EPL champions on CEKA 2022 football ⚽️ tournament in Dubai

I would like to thank all our beloved Seniors and Team Management for giving us guidance and tremendous support, throughout the whole season.

Also thanking all supporters who were on the ground, cheering the team though out🙏🥰🙏🥰🙏🥰

Yousuf Ali Tharayil
Captain: AEC Classic Team

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