Hi Everyone,
I am Thasbih Amin, Speech and Language Therapist working in Dubai
This Youtube Channel is a culmination of my experiences working as a Speech & Language Therapist and as a Mom.
My intention is to invite you to my land of communication where we sow the seeds of speech, language, communication and play
To nurture our children with love and care, to provide them with an enriching and responsive environment where you can see them blossom and flourish to their best selves.
To create awareness about speech, language and communication
To answer the most commonly asked questions to speech and language therapist
For example,
— When will my child start talking?
— How can I play with my child?
— Can I speak two language at home?
— Is speech and language therapy necessary for my child?Finally, my goal is to provide you with simple activities that you can follow through at home with your child in their daily routines that will help, enhance and improve their language and communication.
I will help you understand these concepts with simple language, evidence based approaches and easy to do activities at home
So, I welcome you to this journey
Let’s all change the world, one word at a time
A simple and brief introduction to the development of speech, language and communication skills in children. To help you understand the complex yet magical journey towards communication.
Subscribe to Thasbih’s YouTube Channel
An initiative by Thasbih, wife of Ansheel (AEC 98 Batch)